- Everyone has his own definition of what is a family. The meaning of a family is different to every one of us. Therefore by sociologists giving definitions to what is a family, we do not have a clear idea of what is family and not all definitions adept to all families. A universal family is a nuclear family. By studying 250 societies, Murdock found a variety of characteristics that these societies have in a family. Some of the characteristics are that the family live in a common residence and have economic co-operation. The family consists of adults of both sexes who are married and maintain a sexual relationship; the adults have biological children or children from adoption, and socializes them. By socializing their children they are transmitting the culture of their generation to their children. As Murdock is a functionalist he regards the family as being a function to society as a whole. According to Murdock the family is a multi-functional institution, which is indispensable for the individual and society. The family helps bring about harmony and integration in society. Other institutions have nowadays taken on these functions. Talcott Parsons agrees with Murdock that the family has become specialized in its HAPPY FAMILY
AFWAY SKY FAMILYY is a beginnig !
Heree wee comee forr the 1st timee
we are thee AFWAH SKY familyy
soo meaningless to them
awal bula JANUARY lahir nyee sebuah kuargee y ta digelar real family as a family in group AFWAH SKY familyy
AFWAH aderr lhaa namee y derr dalam familyy neeyy . lakee n pompan tapii ccopp BAPOK ?? belum lagikk HAHA tengahh serveyy *
manee tahuu tersangkodd HAHA
A- AJID partyharam
F- FARAH momo
W- WAN berr
A- ANA wawan
H- HAJAR cietot
tueelhaa kamyy ader lagikk familyy kamyy . neyy hanyerr permulaan sahaje
kiterr tengokk sahaje natyy yee
p y agak agak yeye gebang HAHA
pkr lhaa sndryy adkah anda layak ok menakluki family kamyy ??
jikee YA undi lhaa kamyy
ingat neeyy naa dapat anugerahh apee
HAHA kamyy seperti familyy tersendryy
seperti familyy kami y sediee aderr
di sini kamyy hanyeer memerlukan
HAHA tadelaa
kamyy semuee sporting sahaje
tadee kene mgenee y dhaa matyy tw pun hidup
Tapii rasee familyy kamyy tade lagikk y kiongg
Jikee timee susaa samee samee lhaa kamyy
APE Y PENTING bak katee wonderpet tuee 'KERJASAME'
HAHA tadee nyee na schock sndryy
familyy kamyy neyy lw derr y pagai shock sndryy MAMPOSS kamyy kene keje kann HAHA
Taa boleeyy GOO*
kamyy memag pantag ketawe lw ketawee begegar duniee 1 JB kodd HAHA p der y lagikk terukk
Kamyy SAYANGS antaree satu samee laen ! SAYANG keehh ?? HAHA taa SAYANG kodd
SAYANG ajok ajok ayam kodd
Jadyy jikee terserempak kamyy JANGAN TANYEE KENAPEE lw kamyy sentiasee bersamee blerr keeh manee manee HAHA (:
CHAYOK beteyhh *
jumss jumss kiteer memeperkenal kan sorag sorag familyy kamyy y glerr glerr GOO sangat* HAHA(: kiterr mulekann dengan abg abg braderr kiterr lha sangat konon HAHA
SAKSIKAN wayang bermulee *
tadaaaaaa *
wahahaha chaaakk *
abg besarr konon tuueehh *
neyy lhaa dierr AJID partyharam
HAHA cm dk kecik kann HAHA
Taa boleeyy GOO
dieerr neeyy childish na mamposs !
HAHA weeekkk :P
Neyy abg kamyy ~~
Haaa y neeyy pulakk
adusshhh wa taa boleeyy tengokk lu
lhaa brroo silau beb HAHA
neyy abg num due
namee dierr haiwan eehh oppss
bukan silap pulakk
WAN beerr heeee XD
dierr neyy periag
lw tadee deirr mug taa GOO ke manee aa
sayangs abg sangat sangat
awww chaakk * baahhh HAHA
Neyy pulakk kakak ANA wawan
Heee dierr lhaa segalee hapeening
lw tadee dierr setablee HAHA
hidup taa boleeyy GOO
Mestyy na ketawee 5 menet 5 menet
HAHA heeee huhuhuhu
aww i loikee lhaa dearr <3
LOVEyou akak ANA :D
toink toinkk * heeee :D
domo kodomo lion HAHA
Neyy FARAH momokk
HAHA akak farah nanax marah
t taa comeyyhh HAHA
neyy sys gerek punyee HAHA
T habes habess nan momo n domo dierr
HAHA pepe punn akak taa boleeyy GOO aa *
LOVE akak farah jugaakk *
yeeeahh heeeee :D
teeeeettt neeyy HAJAR
y belakang tuee mug SHIT aa
jaryy tuee mug cibai HAHA
Neyy dk segalee sewel dalam family
mengakuu * HAHA
kuadd toucg cm abg dierr jugakk
HAHA peace abgg * =.=
palig last bogsu HAHA
maaf yee abg n akak kuu sekalian
naa tip top gux cm koragg HAHA
sayangs samee korag HAHA <3
Heeeee haaaa neeyy abg kiterr jugee
haha neyy abg kuadd merajukk *
HAHA tadeelaa gurau jeehh
abg sportig glerr babi bolee kann ??
Heeee :D
Sayangs kamuu lhaa HAHA
haha neeyy lagikk soargg AREL
HAHA dakk palegg kegilaan HAHA
PEACEE berrukkk * HAHA
Neeyyy lhaa kamyy HAHA derr banyakk lagikk p ta larat meeyy HAHA
nex timee soon seenn sunset keehh sambug lagikk aa HAHA fenadd dhaa kecapetan tangan neeyy
ingat naa lawan apee !!! HAHA
AFWAH familyy mug hapeening
doakan kamyy yee kekal *
semigee familyy neyy dapat bertahan
tadee masalah n jangan tambahkan
kamyy terlalu SAYANGS akan familyy neeyy
berat rasee tok ditinggalkan
jikee sapee sapee yy aderr blog tuee bee our FOLLOWERS okk ??
c yaa nex timeee *
havee a gud day nice day n lanchau day
HAHA ayadd taa senonoh HAHA sorryy heeee :D
kamyy disini bukann na cari pasal na buadd pasal tapi kami mug sukee care pasal HAHA
estalaa bestahh bebeyhh chaw shin chee gong xi fa cai gong geng goo abuuugeee * HAHA
smile alwayss wif AFWAH familyy*
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